Your Obedient Servant Ministry

Session 1: For campers who completed 6th&7th grades in 2024/2025 school year.
Session 1: July 6th - 10th 2025
Session 2: For campers who completed 8th-12th grades in 2024/2025 school year.
Session 2: July 13th - 18th 2025
Petersburg United Methodist Church
221 West Jackson St.
Petersburg, Illinois 62675
To serve Jesus in the Land of Lincoln
Cost :

$100.00 per camper due before
July 1, 2025. Please drop payment off at the church office or mail to:
Cody Heubner
1813 Ballycastle Road
Petersburg, IL 62675

What else should I know:
You have an opportunity to spend a week on a life-changing journey serving others with the Your Obedient Servants Ministry in the Land of Lincoln. YOSM provides safe sites and an experienced young adult staff that knows and loves the community and the youth.
You will be serving in a variety of ways depending on the need .This may include partnering with local nursing homes, Kumler outreach, Daily Bread, St. John’s Breadline, Ronald McDonald House, a food drive, Sports Camp, Mary Bryant Home for the Blind, Contact Ministries, Inner City Mission, Washington St. Mission, Mercy Communities, InnerCity Mission and SPARC Camp Kaleidoscope.